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HEXAPOSTE NOV 2011 is the postal reference file of France postcodes and CEDEX codes extracted from La Poste Production data. It allows the address line 5 and the address line 6 control of geographic and CEDEX addresses. This postal reference file is updated by the advisers of Address Operational Centers (COA), based on updates relayed by the INSEE and the postal network management modifications.

HEXAPOSTE NOV 2011 contains the 6 300 postcodes of the 36 600 communes of France, in addition the ones of the 1 100 former communes and the 21 000 CEDEX codes created in the CEDEX offices as well as the CEDEX codes attached to the INSEE codes of the CEDEX clients.

A complete and updated version of HEXAPOSTE NOV 2011 is available each month with the standard 38 characters (optional 32 characters) according to the standardization rules outlined in the AFNOR Z 10-011 and XP Z 10-011 standards. The last one is still experimental until the launching of the address European standard.



HEXAVIA NOV 2011 is the France streets postal reference file extracted from La Poste Production data. It allows the address line 4 control (street wording) and the address line 6 control (postcode and line 6 wording). It also allows the lines 4 and 5 + 6 (former communes or so-called places case). The postcodes are only “household” type.

This the address line is constantly updated by reliability advisers of Address Centers (CDA), based on the decisions made in town councils and on information feedbacks of the postal network that indicates designation changes or new streets.

HEXAVIA NOV 2011 contains more than 2 million streets and 7 000 other designations of the 36 600 France communes. The streets in the file are the official designations of the streets named by the councils, the accepted designations for streets elements not named (hamlets, so-called places, national roads, blocks, lots …), synonymous streets.

HEXAVIA NOV 2011 is available to control the streets designations of your addresses in whole France and Monaco (except overseas collectivities).

HEXAVIA NOV 2011 is available with the standard 38 characters (optional 32 characters) according to the standardization rules outlined in the AFNOR Z 10-011 and XP Z 10-011 standards. The last one is still experimental until the launching of the address European standard.

A complete and updated version of HEXAVIA NOV 2011 is available each month.



HEXACLE NOV 2011 is the premise numbers postal reference file extracted from La Poste Production data, with an alphanumeric key which standardizes geographic addresses. This key is named CEA (Address Extended Code).

This postal reference file is constantly updated by the postal network further to indications of new streets and constructions by the postmen.

HEXACLE NOV 2011 contains 19 million CEA distributed like follows:

-17 million CEA identifying geographic addresses with street number

-2 million CEA identifying the streets (numbered or not)

HEXACLE NOV 2011 is delivered in addition to HEXAVIA NOV 2011 that contains the streets wordings of the 36 600 France communes.

A complete and updated version of HEXACLE NOV 2011 is available each month.



HEXALIGNE3 is the postal reference file of address complements (or geographic site complements) extracted from La Poste Production data, with an alphanumeric key which standardize geographic addresses.

HEXALIGNE3 allows to describe vertical housing (building, block …) or building complex (lot …) and to standardize them. It allows the address line 4 control (crossed data with HEXAVIA and HEXACLE) and the address line 3 (address complement).

This postal reference file is the subject of a regular update made by the postal network that indicates buildings designations modifications.

HEXALIGNE3 contains 497 940 addresses complements. It is delivered in addition to HEXAVIA that contains street wordings of the 36 600 France communes and to HEXACLE that contains 19 million premise numbers. HEXALIGNE3 is available for whole France.

HEXALIGNE3 is available with the standard 38 characters (optional 32 characters) according to the standardization rules (recommendations) outlined in the AFNOR Z 10-011 and XP Z 10-011 standards. The last one is still experimental until the launching of the address European standard.

A complete and updated version of HEXALIGNE3 is available each month.



CEDEXA is the postal reference file for CEDEX addresses of companies which subscribed on CEDEX code to La Poste. The CEDEX service allows to make reliable the CEDEX mail delivery thanks to a specific processing all along the mail processing line.

CEDEXA allows the companies to control their CEDEX addresses and to correct them from their geographic address. This postal reference file is the subject of a regular update made by the reliability advisers of the three Address Operational Centers (COA) and based on the agreements subscribed to La Poste offices.

CEDEXA contains more than 180 000 CEDEX addresses.

CEDEXA is available with the standard 38 characters (optional 32 characters) according to the standardization rules outlined in the AFNOR Z 10-011 and XP Z 10-011 standards. The last one is still experimental until the launching of the address European standard.

CEDEXA is monthly published. The complete and updated version is available at the beginning of each month.



ROUDIS National contains postal indicators (postman round) of France communes. It allows the postal indicator allocation according to the terms of the Press agreements. This information is extracted from La Poste Production referential file. This referential file is constantly updated by the 500 organizer agents further to the delivery management modifications.

ROUDIS National contains 1.5 million streets in the 18 000 communes covered by several postmen in addition to the postal indicator of the 18 000 communes covered by one postman.

ROUDIS National is available with the standard 38 characters (optional 32 characters) according to the standardization rules outlined in the AFNOR Z 10-011 and XP Z 10-011 standards. The last one is still experimental until the launching of the address European standard.

ROUDIS National is monthly published. The complete and updated version is available at the beginning of each month.



ROUTAGE PRESSE is the postal reference file of France postcodes and CEDEX codes centralizers which have been extracted from La Poste Production data. Press routings prepare press parcels for La Poste delivery services depending on the delivery office. This postal reference file is subject of update made by the Libourne Address Operational Center (COA) advisers and based on management modifications relayed by the Postal network.

ROUTAGE PRESSE contains the 6 300 postcodes and 20 000 CEDEX codes of each delivery and central office.

ROUTAGE PRESSE is monthly published. The complete and updated version is available at the beginning of each month.

It comes in addition to the routing carnet and indicates the handing place and time limits.



ROUTAGE International is the postal reference file of countries exchanges offices which have been extracted from La Poste Production data. It provides all useful information to routing companies to prepare press parcels bound to foreign countries for postal services. It comes in addition to the routing carnet and indicates the handing in place and time limits. This postal reference file is subject to period update made by the Mail International Activity Direction (DAIC) and based on management modifications relayed by the Postal network.

ROUTAGE International contains exchanges offices of 200 countries. The INSEE code is the entry code.

Leaving from France, a country mail is separated once at least. However, some countries get one more sorting. The intra-country selection is made upon the postcode, the city name or from the territorial subdivision.

The file contains all information for the label edition.

ROUTAGE International is monthly published. The complete and updated version is available at the beginning of each month.


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